Thursday, April 21, 2011

Top Things I Miss About The Pacific Northwest!

  1. Family!
  2. Tillamook Cheese
  3. The Oregon Coast, especially in the winter…
  4. Mountains (um, Virginia, 5729 feet does not count…)
  5. Burgerville
  6. Socks with sandals and cargo shorts in the winter
  7. Subaru’s (oh, wait, I have one!)
  8. Grandmas House
  9. Diesel Suburban, no passengers, bumper sticker “Save the Planet”
  10. Die-Hard Portland Trail Blazer fans, rain or shine, we love ‘em!
  11. The traffic (I know, it still is heavy, but you haven’t seen NOTHING till you get to the I-95, I-66, I-395, I-495 knot in Virginia!)
  12. “Breaking News” for 100+ degree days and 1”+ snow days
  13. Pacific Northwest English
  14. Lots and lots of Starbucks (17 miles to work, and I only pass ONE?!)
  15. Seeing people in the rain, sans umbrella (thinking I am strange when I am the only one!)
Now, I don’t want any “woe is me,” the next edition will be the things I love about DC!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so excited to read all about your adventures!
