Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things I Love About Washington DC!

(though we do live in Northern Virginia)…
  1. Greg’s Job
  2. My Job
  3. The Smithsonian Institution (the one’s I have been to include the Air and Space Museum, The American History Museum, The Natural History Museum, and The Museum of the American Indian)
  4. All of the other cool free places to visit (Washington Monument, The White HouseThe Botanical Gardens, The Capitol Building)
  5. Rich history (Mount Vernon especially)
  6. My house!
  7. Ikea is just down the street
  8. Potomac Mills is just down the street  
  9. So many educational opportunities
  10. It feels like being on vacation all of the time
  11. Access to so many other East Coast cities (NYC is just 4 hours away!)
  12. Everyone is from everywhere, so you don’t ever worry about being “not from around here”
  13. DC Cupcakes
  14. People love to come and visit sine there are so many cool things here
  15. Urban yet rural too; there are so many nature preserve areas, rivers, and scenic drives

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