Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Garden

Ever since we became homeowners in 2008, we always planned to plant a vegetable garden.  That plan always fell short right before the execution phase.  This year, in spite of quick planning, we went for it.  We purchased many different fruit and vegetable starter plants and planted them in a small square of land in our back yard.  The total area is about 10’ by 5’.  We planted cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, early girl tomatoes, a variety of peppers, strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkins, and watermelon.
We planted with ever-loving care and tended to the garden with Miracle Grow plant food.  Since it does rain here a lot (shocker!), we did not need to worry about watering too much.  Much to our astonishment, our garden BLEW UP!  I mean, it was crazy how much this little plot of land was able to feed and house so much!
The largest part of the garden was the two pumpkin plants.  I measured one continuous vine to be about 20 feet long.  Darn thing even snuck through the fence into the neighbors!  Needless to say, we had to cut it back some because it was suffocating the rest of the garden.  Here is a picture before we trimmed it back.
We have lots and lots of growing tomatoes.  They are still green and I can imagine the day that they all decide to turn red.  I have already been looking up recipes for canning these things.  I don’t want any to go to waste.
We also have some peppers getting ready to grow up!  I think they will make a lovely salsa when paired with the tomatoes.
When I was trimming back the pumpkins, I found two rip cucumbers hibernating under the leaves.  We used them to make a wonderful Greek meal that night.  I was so proud of those two cucumbers!  Want to know something ironic?  I don’t even like cucumbers!

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